
  Do you know what is Geography?

Geography is the study of places and the relationships between people and their environments.

The father of geography is Eratosthenes, the ancient Greek scholar


The three main works of river comprises of erosion, transportation and deposition

1) Erosion

It is the removal of materials from the Earth's surface.


River transport the eroded materials from higher gradient to lower gradient.

3) Deposition

Deposition of loads take place as the river enters the low tying areas.

I will share some stages of River

1) Upper course or Youthful Stage

  • Rivers are usually small and flow down with lots of energy due to steep gradient.
  • The main work of a river in this stage is vertical erosion or downward cutting.
Some of the land features formed are:


                                                                   V- shaped valley


                                                              Interlocking spur

2) Middle or mature stage
  • In this stage, the river flows through gentle slop.
  • The speed of the river decreases due to decrease in slope.
  • The main land features formed in this stage are: 

                                                                Alluvial fan

                                                              Broad valley


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